► Nebraska Brain Injury State Plan 2023-2024
The plan is intended as a guide to improve the state's system of services and supports for people with brain injury and their families. To become involved, contact: Nebraska VR and the Brain Injury Advisory Council: (308) 224-7571 or vr.infobiac@nebraska.gov
Brain Injury State Plan 2023-2024
Brain Injury State Plan 2023-2024 Text Only
Brain Injury State Plan Executive Summary 2023-2024
Brain Injury State Plan Executive Summary 2023-2024 Text Only
► Council Member Committee Assignments
Brain Injury Advisory Council members serve on several key committees, representing the needs of individuals with brain injury and their families in service system redesign and development of new policies. Following is a list of advisory councils and committees, and the Council members assigned to them. You may also wish to subscribe to council/committee sites to receive updates.
Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) Advisory Committee
BI Advisory Council members serving on this committee:
Peggy Reisher, Brain Injury Association of Nebraska
► Brain Injury Assistance Program
This statewide program is to secure and develop community-based services for individuals with a brain injury; provide support groups and access to pertinent information, medical resources, and service referrals for individuals with a brain injury; and educate professionals who work with individuals with a brain injury.
To learn more: https://www.unmc.edu/aboutus/community-engagement/bioc/index.html
► Join Our Mailing List for Updates
Please join our mailing list for updates on policy and service changes that impact individuals with brain injuries and their families.