Traumatic Brain Injury Registry
Per Nebraska state law (§81-653 to 81-662), the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Division of Public Health maintains a central registry for traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). Nebraska VR maintains an agreement with DHHS, Division of Public Health to provide the required follow-up contact in the form of a letter and brochure listing TBI resources and contact information to each individual placed on the registry.
Registry Letter revised April 2022
Registry Brochures (enclosed with each registry letter)
Registry data and trends are reported in Nebraska’s Annual TBI Grant Evaluation Report:
For more information, visit the Department of Health and Human Services webpage on Nebraska’s Statewide Trauma System of Care and Trauma Registries:
TBI Data and Surveillance
Injury is a public health problem. The Nebraska Injury Prevention Program produces injury surveillance reports on concussion and TBI, among other priority areas.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is an excellent resource for data and statistics on TBI. Visit their website for fact sheets, publications, reports and information on the National Concussion Surveillance System.
TBI Needs and Resources Assessments
Periodic surveys are conducted to collect data on gaps and barriers in Nebraska’s service system for people with TBI, their families and caregivers.
Living with Brain Injury Survey Results 2021
Living with Brain Injury Survey Results May 2019
Living with Brain Injury Survey 2019 (Brief Summary)
TBI Needs & Resources Assessment Results 2010
Nebraska VR funded a project to study the intersection of brain injury and COVID-19.